Tag Archives basics

It’s a love thing…

It's a love thing It's a love thing It's a love thing
It's a love thing It's a love thing

Me and this distressed denim. Was on a hunt for a black pair of distressed and just so happen to run across this pair at the outlets. Mission accomplished. Wish it was always that simple! Basics are my go-to when I’m in a “I have nothing to wear” mood, which is like, everyday. OH! almost forgot…while I was at the outlets (not supposed to be shopping for myself!!!) I accidentally walked into Aldo, and this leopard bag swooned me. Obvi, I needed it my life and for $20 how could I resist?! Coolest feeling ever, it rang up for $11 DOLLARS YALL. Whyyyy I didn’t get the burgundy one is beyond me, but lets not ruin a happy moment here. I mean, my mom thought it was Rebecca Minkoff, girl stop.

By the way, American Eagle has some pretty sweet distressed denim with an affordable price tag, so if you’re on the hunt or looking for a trend to try, check ’em out! They’re also $10 off right now too. Have a great day everyone! xo



Basics + Neon

Basics + Neon

Basics + Neon Basics + Neon Basics + Neon


Happy Monday dolls! I’ve been busy over here recovering from a bug going around and I’m finally starting to feel better after the weekend!

For today’s look I went all about the basics. Firstly, can we talk about how bright these shoes are?! Um, I love them. I walked into Aldo and instantly knew I needed them in my life. They look a little more orange in the pictures but they are definitely bright and perfect for the pop of color I was going for.
To tone down the rest of the look I went with my favorite dainty accessories and a basic grey tee. Lately I’ve been reaching for shirts that I can wear with everything whether it be with a skirt or pants and I scored this one at Le Garage Sale. Le Garage Sale is an AMAZING event here in Austin that only happens twice a year. Tons of different boutiques come together and offer clearance prices. This super soft shirt was originally $72, I scored it for $12 and it came with this cute little necklace too!  I can’t wait to share all of the other goodies I bought with y’all.
These jeans are one of my favorites, in fact, I just bought a pair similar (in black) because of how much I love them. Every time I wear these I can’t help but think of Jimmy Fallons ‘Tight pants’ skit LOL! If you haven’t seen it yet, you have to check it out for a good laugh. Love him!

Here are some other must-have basics I’m loving right now. I just bought this one too!



Now let’s go kick Monday’s butt! Thanks for reading!