Tag Archives austin


I’m talking summer!!! I’m so ready for my favorite season you have no idea (minus the 100 degree days we’re bound to have here in Texas). May is my absolute favorite month not only because I’ll be another year older but it’s the kickoff to so many fun things; Cinco De Mayo, Mothers Day, Birthday’s, Graduations, BBQ’s… I love it!

IMG_3829 IMG_3822 IMG_3858 IMG_3881 IMG_3888Went super causal cool as this would be something you would totally catch me out in on the weekends. Old Navy has some great basic finds at the perfect price point getting you and your wardrobe a summer refresher.

top OLD NAVY | shorts ZARA (similar style) | shoes TARGET | bag LINEA PELLE (love this)| glasses RAY BAN | bracelet EXPRESS (similar)

Thanks for stopping by! Xx

Art on The Edge Gala 2016

This past weekend I had the pleasure of attending Art on The Edge at The Blanton Museum of Art here in Austin. It was one of the funnest events I’ve ever been to and reminded me of something you would see on tv, no lie LOL!



The night started with a quick photo opt and then inside to get the party started!

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From the amazing band, to the cute hors d’oeuvres, I couldn’t get enough! For starters, I haven’t been to a museum in years so it was really inspiring to experience and admire the art as well as take a peak into their upcoming exhibition Come as You Are: Art of the 1990s — reminding you of all things forgotten about or in my case, molded my childhood.

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(this was one of my favorites)


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There was seriously so much to see it was impossible to see it all, which only means another trip back :).

Me and blogger babe Hilary from By Hilary Rose.

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 My sweet friend Kaley from My Closet Life.

IMG_3505-1 outfit details: gown ALFRED ANGELO | coat VINTAGE | heels MODE COLLECTIVE | bag MILLY

From exploring the galleries to mingling with some of my favorite blogger babes, I had such a blast and an unforgettable night!

Thank you to my sweet friend Hilary for making this happen and a special thank you to The Blanton Museum of Art for sponsoring this post.

Austin Tidbits: It-Girl


Hey everyone! In case you missed it on Instagram and Facebook I’m excited to announce I’ve been nominated as one of Tidbits “It Girls” in Austin! I’m so thrilled and honored to be named with some of Austin’s most influential ladies!!! Be sure to cast your vote HERE for yours truly, and RSVP for a cocktail party at MOSS this Thursday 10/29 from 6-7:30pm where the winner will be announced. Hope to see you all there! Xx