Tag Archives personal stylist

Chapter 28

Hey fam, hope you guys are having an awesome week. I’m so pumped to share some super exciting things going on in my life and with Only If You Love It! In case you’ve missed me, here’s where I’ve been…


HOLY COW! After really focusing on my career path, and saying lots of prayers, they’ve been answered. I’ve been completely hornered and blessed becoming one of four personal stylists at Nordstrom!

img_1742It feels utterly surreal and I’ve hit the ground running, learning about designers, styles and fits. I’ll have to share my newest favorite designers, brands and always-must-have’s with you guys later (post idea!).

Honestly, the best part of my job is also the best part of blogging and thats connecting with YOU! One-on-one I work with you to find the perfect outfit for an event or develop a new sense of style. Based on whichever it may be, I’m able to create different looks and give you a clear roadmap to help get your style refined and always look polished. We’ll set a date, have a try-on party and make sure any alterations are taken care of to perfection. Sound too good to be true? It’s my job 😉

Here’s a look into what it’s been like thus far…img_2303


Amazing events…




Co-Founder of Who What Wear, and Bag Snob Blogger

img_3617img_3160 img_3162Kendra Scott

Whew! A new career path and schedule has taken some adjusting to (hello new step tracker and foot massager), and with my personal photographer/boyfriend in a new job role as well, outfit posts have been few and far in between. That said, #OOTD #FTW

img_3607 img_2633 Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

Want to work with me 1-on-1? Let’s chat! We’ll talk style goals, and how I can help you. I want to make sure that you are completely taken care of because this process is all about you!

Shoot me an email: [email protected] or text me @ 512.379.6206 for an instant shopping experience.

What’s new to come from Only If You Love It??? Expect to see more how-to’s, style tips, and ways to wear. Suggestions? Comment below.

Thanks for stopping by! Xx